Andrew Solt
Ovaj put neću pisati o filmu jer ko voli Johna Lennona i njegovu muziku taj zna šta otprilike može da očekuje od ovog odličnog biografskog dokumentarca. Dakle sad malo neki moji tripovi. Prvo i osnovno, volim ja Bitlse, ali ne toliko koliko i solo deo Lenonove karijere. Naravno i Bitlsi neosporno imaju genijalne pesme i sve, ali meni mnogo više leži Lenonov samostalan rad. E sad zašto je to tako, pa verovatno zato što je u tom periodu svoga života imao inspiraciju i podršku uz sebe, Yoko Ono, a i mogao je nesputano da ispolji sve ono što u bendu sa 3 jaka autora nikako nije uspevao po mom mišljenju.

"Imagine: John Lennon, with its wealth of stock Lennon footage and self-narration, proved to be a well-received film. Bridging his two musical phases together as a member of The Beatles and as a solo artist, Imagine: John Lennon is a career-spanning collection of Lennon's many musical highlights. In addition, there are a couple of heretofore unreleased recordings: an acoustic demo of "Real Love" taped in 1979 and a rehearsal take of "Imagine" in mid-1971 before the final take was captured. The project arrived at a timely juncture and was an attempt at thwarting the then-released The Lives of John Lennon by Albert Goldman, a controversial and reputation-tarnishing book which many dismissed as fiction, including Ono and Lennon's close friends"

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I used magaupload to download the file and after I have downloaded it requires me to key in the pass word in order to extract the files...did anyone know what is the password ??
There is no extraction, cause I upload it as AVI file, so there is no password.
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