Giuseppe Bertolucci
Pier Paolo Pasolini, pesnik, pisac, reditelj i šta sve ne. Osporavan zbog svojih komunističkih uverenja, prozivan i napadan zbog toga što je bio otvoreno homoseksualne orijentacije, izjavio je čak jednom prilikom : "Moj narod me mrzi iz 2 razloga, zato što sam komunista i zato što sam peder." Naravno nisu ga baš svi mrzeli, ali je sigurno bilo dosta onih koji nisu mogli da ga skapiraju na pravi način. Snimio je 12 igranih filmova. Brutalno je ubijen 1975. godine od strane najverovatnije sicilijanskih ekstremnih desničara, i to neposredno po završetku snimanja filma SALO o le 120 giornate di Sodoma, koji će posle njegove smrti postati jedan od najkontraverznijih filmova ikada napravljenih u svetu, a samim tim i neprevaziđeni KULT, film o kome se i dan danas govori kao o najšokantnijem delu svetske kinematografije.

"Though controversial Italian director, poet and intellectual Pier Paolo Pasolini seems to have fallen out of fashion since his murder in 1975, Giuseppe Bertolucci's thoughtful docu "Pasolini Next to Us" jolts the viewer with the relevance of his ideas. The film is a collage of stills taken by photographer Deborah Imogen Beer on the set of "Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom," Pasolini's final film, released after his death. The director's high-pitched voice furnishes the soundtrack in an interview with critic Gideon Bachmann. What emerges could be called an audio-commentary by Pasolini on the making of Salò. Still quite a shocker, "Salo" was received by audiencess in 1975 as a staggering insult, and its producer, Alberto Grimaldi, put on trial (and absolved) for corruption of minors and obscenity. Inspired De Sade's novel, script by Pasolini and Sergio Citti (who was originally scheduled to direct) is set in during the final months of Italian fascism. In Bachmann's interview, the director speaks more about general ideas than about the film's themes of power, violence and mortification of the body, which are impressively captured by Beer's often electrifying still images."

Pre nekih 8-9 godina sam gledo film , tesko da ce ga iko ikada nadmasiti brutalno a sdruge strane film baca i na levu i na desnu mislim da odkada je filma ovako nsto nije bilo niti ce skoro biti jedino delo koji moze da se meri jeste holokaust ali to je radjeno po istinitom dogadjaju .
Pasolini prossimo nostro (2006) - new MU link added!
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