Friday, May 6, 2011

Heaven's Gate: The Definitive Story (2007)

Ova ekipa ljudi je uradila ono za šta mi nismo imali jaja, dakle prvo su napustili svoja trenutna vozila, onda se ukrcali na svemirski brod koji je plovio iza Hejl-Bopove komete, i  tako napustili ovaj nivo postojanja. Inače, pomenuta kometa za razliku od čuvene Halejeve pohodi Sunčev Sistem svakih 3100 godina, i zadesilo se da se ponovo pojavila 1997, i to baš u doba kad su se naši heroji odlučili na dalek put, ko to može znati. Sve to se odigralo sudbinski, 26. marta 1997. u periodu kada je kometa bila u svom zenitu, poliija je u Rancho Santa Fe, u Kaliforniji, otkrila 39 tela članova religijske grupe "Heaven's Gate" koji su izvršili samoubistvo miksom Fenobarbitona, Vodke, Cijanida i Arsenika. E sad, ako se neko pita, da li su oni osetili bilo šta od cijanida i arsenika, odgovor je NE, jer Fenobarbiton je toliko jak lek koji čoveka uvodi u stanje slično komatoznom, dakle aperkat gejm-over. Ono što je zanimljivo je da su svi članovi bili uniformisani sa prišivačima "Heaven's Gate Away Team", što je dosta podsećalo na "Star Trek" trip kojem je i inače bila sklona ova simpatična družina. Ovaj se dokumentarac naravno ne bavi isključivo samoubistvima, već čitavom genezom ove grupe, od početaka 70-ih kada je Marshall Applewhite, osnivač i lider , imao the viziju. Dakle, za sve one koji su gledali ultra bizaran propagandni film Heaven's Gate Initiation Tape ovo mu dođe ko neki aftermath te konačni rasplet i dojaja je.

"Hey, remember the Heaven's Gate cult? The ones who dressed up in all black and ate poison because they thought that there was a spaceship hidden behind a comet which was coming to carry them to heaven? No? Well, long story short, they ended up being the largest mass suicide on US soil in history. At the end of the day, 39 of them were dead. This documentary, originally produced for The Learning Channel back in 2007, tells the tale of the group, from their humble beginnings on Haight-Ashbury back in the early 70's, up until the fateful day when they drank the proverbial Kool Aid in the late 90's. There are interviews with a variety of different people, including former members, family members of the victims, media members, law enforcement officers, and various talking heads. For anyone interested in crazy cults, this is a must download."



Anonymous said...

You always have the best documentary's, i've been going here for months now never responded (sorry) thank you for this one, I always wanted to see more about them. I remember their site being up afterwards still for the longest time. I even saw the comet in real life with my brother. You could just see it in the sky clear as day.

Let me take the opportunity to say keep up the good work, your site is the best. I've seen a LOT of your documentary's.

You can see stuff here you can see NOWHERE ELSE, only on Abraxas!!!!

nardstae said...

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