Monday, May 16, 2011

Kenneth Grant - The Magical Revival (1972, PDF)

"When the original manuscript of this book was submitted for publication, the author was told he had provided “too much material for one book”. This proved to be correct. The work here presented – in an enhanced edition – became the first volume of three Trilogies. It provides a detailed analysis of certain occult traditions which existed long before the Christian epoch, survived its persecutions and anathemas, and reappeared in recent times with renewed vigour.

The continuity of this magical current as reflected in the work of Aleister Crowley, Austin Osman Spare, Dion Fortune and others is here traced through the Tantrik Tradition of the Far East, the Sumerian Cult of Shaitan and the Draconian, Sabian, or Typhonian rites of the ‘dark’ dynasties of ancient Egypt."


Rodolfo said...

it's asking for a password; i can't seem to find one...

son of man said...

And why do you think there is a need for password, just download it ;)

Rodolfo said...

my bad... I tried to open it with adobe photoshop and it asked for psw; opening it with a pdf reader didn't asked for psw :)

thanks a lot :D

Anonymous said...

computer illiterate how do I download pdf?

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