Monday, May 30, 2011

The Decline of Western Civilization Part III (1998)

Penelope Spheeris

Runtime: 86 min

Izvinjavam se svim čitaocima što ovih dana možda neće biti rivjuova u tolikoj meri, ali ne brinite, svakog dana ću postaviti po barem jedan dokumentarac pogledan i odobren, a što se tiče pisanja, podrazumeva se, I'LL BE BACK...samo ovaj put WITH A VENGEACE !


"Eighteen years after Decline of Western Civilization made the exploding Los Angeles punk and hardcore scene the stuff of legend, Penelope Spheeris returned to document the next generation of L.A. punks. This time, rather than focusing on the bands, labels, and zines creating the music and the attendant scene, she looked at a new subset of fans for whom punk isn’t simply a genre of music but a way of life, inheriting classic punk’s appearance if not its DIY attitude. In the grand tradition of punk attracting society’s outcasts, these self-described “gutterpunks” squat in abandoned buildings, panhandle for beer money, and seemingly live merely for the next show or their next drunk. Spheeris endeavors to capture their lives and the punks themselves as fully as possible, eliciting stories of past and current trauma, and learning the rules of their rigid adherence to a codified ritual definition of what punk is. “No future” indeed — in place of furious anger and demands for other options for those out of step with the world, there’s a fatalistic, resigned acceptance."

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Jorge A. Trejos I. said...

Hell-o i didn't know there was 3rd part tanx!

Anonymous said...

anyone have a link to the second one???

boyd said...

" And blind acceptance is a sign
Of stupid fools who stand in line "
As the song used to go : )

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