Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Killer in a Small Town: The Ipswich Murders (2008)

Za više informacija o Stiv Vrajtu (Steve Wright) britanskom serijskom ubici koji je ordinirao tokom 2006. godine klikni ovde. Uglavnom, jako zanimljiv slučaj i pored toga što su žrtve bile prostitutke navučene na pajdo i krek, ali su bre bile prelepe, srce da te zaboli. I zaista, to sam već ponovio nebrojeno puta, muka mi je više od ovih serijskih koji love takve skroz nezaštićene osobe, a tu spadaju i Arthur Shawcross, Gary Ridgway aka The Green River Killer, i naravno Jack The Ripper, s tim što ako ste kolko tolko redovito pratili blog mogli ste da primetite da za ove skoro 3 godine nisam postavio niti jedan dokumentarac o njemu, niti ću. Znači, to je THE STAV i tu nema boga, a gre'ota jer zaista ih ima na 10-ine a neki su čak i OK urađeni, no ostaviću taj slučaj Trboseka ipak nekom drugom blogeru, iz fazona dajmo šansu mladima.

"For years, prostitutes in Ipswich had worked the streets around the football stadium. Many of them were feeding drug habits and their activity was largely ignored. But all that was to change in the winter of 2006 when, one by one, the working girls of Ipswich began to disappear. The first to go missing was 19-year-old Tania Nicol. Her mother called the police, but they failed to track her down. Then, two weeks later, 25-year-old Gemma Adams was reported missing by her boyfriend. It was only then that her parents realised she was working the streets. With two women missing from the same red light district, the police investigation began to escalate. When the bodies were found, both washed clean of DNA evidence but bearing signs of strangulation, it became clear that a serial killer was at work. It would take three more deaths before he was stopped. When Steve Wright was arrested for the crimes and subsequently found guilty it caused shockwaves, not least among the group of working girls who knew him as a former punter."

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